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Tomma Abts – Abstract Art is OK but not KO.

Tomma Abts – Abstract Art is OK but not KO. In 2006 the Turner Prize gained its first ever female winner. The artist who achieved this feat hails from Germany and is called is Tomma Abts. In order to carry off the Turner Prize – in the final, Tomma had to overcome three notable artists . In no particular order of importance these were – sculptress Rebecca Warren who was Read More →

Islamic calligraphy

Islamic calligraphy Islamic Calligraphy has arguably become the most reverenced form of Islamic art. It provides a link between the languages of the Muslims with the religion of Islam. The Muslim calligraphists have great contributions in taking this Islamic art to this zenith. The holy book of Islam, Al-Quran, has played an important role in the development and evolution of the Arabic Read More →

Works From the True Masters of Fear and Anxiety

Works From the True Masters of Fear and Anxiety Fear is part of the fundamental core of human existence, as connected to the basic functions of survival and the psyche as the survival instinct or the need to mate. Fear and anxiety, therefore, are among the staples of any genre that deems itself fit to entertain the masses, an art form to be mastered in the hands of a Read More →

Display Your Strength With Eagle Tattoos

Display Your Strength With Eagle Tattoos There are great deals of important factors that go into getting a tattoo, including where your tattoo belongs on your body. Different tattoos have different story and importance behind it. Eagle tattoos are one of them that reflect strength and are the common choices for men and women who serve as police officers, firefighters, soldiers, or other service members. Emphasizing Read More →

Introduction to Chinese Painting

Introduction to Chinese Painting Calligraphy and painting were two of the most prized art forms in antediluvian China. Calligraphy was thought to be the highest and purest form of painting. The annals of painting in China dates back to the 2nd century BCE. In the earliest era, painting and writing were made out on silk, until paper was subsequently developed during the 1st century Read More →

Famous Paintings

Famous Paintings Famous Paintings have been greatly admired in art history. Famous art paintings are invaluable and of great historic importance. Famous artists have been successful in creating famous artwork paintings. Canvas oil paintings make the most the popular form of the most famous Oil paintings. Famous Oil Paintings are of various styles. These include famous landscape paintings, famous still life paintings, Read More →

Art Theft: Most Famous Cases in History

Art Theft: Most Famous Cases in History Art theft is an ancient and complicated crime. When you look at the some of the most famous cases of art thefts in history, you see thoroughly planned operations that involve art dealers, art fakers, mobsters, ransoms, and millions of dollars. Here you can read about some of the most famous cases of art theft in the history. The First Read More →

How to Select Art for Your Home

How to Select Art for Your Home Selecting art for your home can be an exciting adventure and a source of enjoyment for years to come. Keys to success are figuring out what kind of art you like, how it will fit in with the rest of your interior design plans, and how to exhibit the art to the best effect in your home. What kind of Read More →

Contemporary Paintings

Contemporary Paintings Contemporary paintings are an exquisite style of paintings. Contemporary art paintings are the true representatives of the modern art. Contemporary artists are creating the contemporary oil paintings of the high quality. A great number of contemporary oil paintings are available in the contemporary art gallery. Contemporary art is of great artistic importance. Contemporary abstract paintings make the most of contemporary Read More →

The Great Story About Rembrandts Life and History

The Great Story About Rembrandts Life and History While the world pays respectful tribute to Rembrandt Van Ryn the artist, it has been compelled to wait until comparatively recent years for some small measure of reliable information concerning Rembrandt Van Ryn the man. Rembrandt Van Ryn was born in the pleasant city of Leyden, but it is not easy to name the precise year. Somewhere between 1604 and Read More →